Welcome to Stórmøti – the evening meetings will be translated into English

Welcome to Stórmøti in Tórshavn on the weekend of 25-27 October. This is an annual Christian conference, which will be held in the Sports hall Høllin á Hálsi in Tórshavn.

The evening meetings will be translated into English. Receivers and headsets are available. 

This year’s topic is ‘Slow down’. The schedule is packed with exciting events for children, young and adults. All the evening meetings will be live-streamed on trubodin.fo. At the meetings there will be an opportunity to pray and talk with someone. Also, a large selection of Christian literature is available for purchase at the venue.





Kl. 19:30 – Meeting in the sports hall á Hálsi in Tórshavn
Speaker: Torleif Johannesen – Topic: “What am I running after?”
Performance by T.O.S.
Child care for children under school-age
Opportunity to give gift to Heimamissiónsungdóm (Youth Ministry)
English Translation

Kl. 19:30 – Event for children (year 1-7)
All children meet in the hall for the first part of the meeting

LES EISINI  Tvær ungdómsløtur á stórmøtunum

Food and drinks after the meeting

Kl. 22:00 – Youth event in the sports hall
Speaker: Símun P. Jacobsen
English Translation



Kl. 19:30 Meeting in the sports hall á Hálsi in Tórshavn
Speaker: Kristian Martin Petersen – Topic: “But when they looked up, they saw noone but Jesus alone”
Performance by Tabitha
Child care for children under school-age
Opportunity to give gift to Nesvík Camp Center
English Translation

Kl. 19:30 Children’s Event (year 1-7) in the Fimi hall
All children meet in the sports hall á Hálsi for the first part of the meeting

Expo (opportunity to learn about different ministries within Heimamissiónin and from other organisations)

Food and drinks after the meeting

Kl. 22:00 Youth Event in the Badminton hall
Speaker: Ovi Brim
English Translation



Kl. 11:00 Church services in the area

Kl. 15:00 Simbahitt (Children’s Event) in the sports hall á Hálsi
Children’s choir from Choir Conference sings
Talk by Ann Mari E. Kjølbro
Opportunity to give gift to SIMBA (children’s ministry)

LES EISINI  Video: Hvat er so serligt við tí lutherska?


Kl. 18:00 Meeting in the sports hall á Hálsi for all ages
Speaker: Alfred Petersen – Topic: “I give you my peace”
Vox Gospel Choir sings
Child care for children under school-age
Childrens cinema for children in school age
English Translation and interpretation for sign language
Opportunity to give gift to Heimamissiónin (Faroe Mission)
Kringvarpið (Faroese Public Broadcaster) will televise this meeting


See Faroese schedule here.

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